Embrace Yourself
Release. Relax. Heal.
My therapy services aim to empower you by removing blockages that are holding you back from growing and evolving. Examples are destructive behavioural- and thought patterns caused by past trauma and/or unresolved emotions, which often leads to physical ailments and emotional distress.
I will help you discover and connect with your shadow sides and to identify your suppressed personality traits (which we all have), so that you finally can embrace all of your being and live life in its full potential.

Clearing energy blockages in the physical and energetic body via the chakra energy centres stimulates your self-healing powers and works great as an "energetic detox".
This treatment is recommended for releasing old emotional "baggage" and finally getting that refreshing new start in life.
75 min: 125 CHF / €

Mind Shifting is a set of cutting-edge tools that enable people to transform their reality. It can be successfully used to quickly clear old belief patterns and problems you might struggle with in your daily life.
Along with the Chakra clearing method, this is a game changer for your personal and spiritual development.
75 min: 125 CHF / €

If you are struggling to find a clear new direction in your life - and you know that you want and need change NOW... Then this 3 weeks intensive treatment program is made for you :)
We will work together and create a treatment plan that is individually adapted to your goals and your needs.
5 hours: 360 CHF / €
What Bentes Clients Say:

"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"
Yung Pueblo